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PMBA-25 group visited the exhibition of works by Hanna Sobachko-Shostak, "Eyes of Flowers," curated by Diana Klochko, an art critic and lecturer at kmbs.
PMBA-25 group visited the exhibition of works by Hanna Sobachko-Shostak, "Eyes of Flowers," curated by Diana Klochko, an art critic and lecturer at kmbs.

The humanitarian part of kmbs is a learning form in which participants work at the level of ideas and concepts with "intangibles." This helps managers extend their thinking horizons, immerse themselves in the socio-cultural context, and learn to work at the level of ideas and meanings.

So, this week, the PMBA-25 group visited the exhibition of works by Hanna Sobachko-Shostak, "Eyes of Flowers," curated by Diana Klochko, an art critic and lecturer at kmbs.

According to her, Hanna Sobachko-Shostak is a master of bright and individual self-expression. Her tendency to interpret traditional motifs is an exceptional phenomenon in European art history.

"Hanna Sobachko-Shostak's works were shown in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century when there were changes in the perception of color. Even there, most likely, her works were considered too bright," noted Diana Klochko. "The flowers in her paintings have eyes, and she turns these flowers into creatures. They also contain a symbol of an all-seeing eye that looks at us. This metaphor also includes our eyes: we look at her works, interpret them, and understand them or not. We all become the eyes of the flowers: they are reflected in us."

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